Vocational Rehabilitation
Ticket to Work/Reimbursement
- Tracker -
Tracker Logo
Installation and License Cost
  System installation cost is $10,000.  This includes connecting the Tracker system to the VR agency’s case management system, assisting with external data transfers (SVES and Wages), setting up imports for external data files, and importing legacy reimbursement and Ticket data.

After installation is complete, there is a yearly license/subscription fee based on the size of the VR agency.  The license/subscription must be up-to-date to use the Tracker system.
  • 1 - 1,000 clients - $5,000
  • 1,001 - 5,000 clients - $7,000
  • 5,001 - 10,000 clients - $8,500
  • 10,001 - 20,000 clients - $10,000
  • 20,001 - 40,000 clients - $15,000
  • Greater than 40,000 clients - $20,000
Agency size is based the latest RSA information found at https://rsa.ed.gov/quick-tables.cfm.
  • Select RSA Program: Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants
  • Check "I would like to see tables about a particular state or state agency."
  • Select your state and click Next Step
  • Select "State subtotals by type of agency, latest fiscal year" under Case Status Information, Exit Status, and Employment Outcomes and Next Step
Your agency size is the value in "Individuals in plan receiving services" for the latest Fiscal Year available.

If the General and Blind agencies are separate in your state, but both will be using the same Tracker database to process and track payments, the installation cost is $12,000.  Each agency must pay the yearly license/subscription fee, but a $2,000 discount is applied.

Rates may vary depending on agreements negotiated by the state.

The yearly license/subscription fee includes unlimited technical support, training as needed, access to all system updates, and access to the system’s help website.

System updates will be provided periodically to address changes to the Reimbursement or Ticket programs, to add or improve functionality, and to address any bugs or glitches discovered.

Additional custom reports and/or additional functionality can be requested and will be included in system updates.